
11. Orben R, et al. 2025. Collaborating with Marine Birds to Monitor the Physical Environment Within Coastal Marine Protected Areas. Frontiers in Ocean Observing. 38:1. | pdf

10. Yanagitsuru A, Tyson C, Angelier F, Johns ME, Hahn T, Wingfield J, Land-Miller H, Forney R, Hull E. 2024. Experience and trust: the benefits of mate familiarity are realized through sex-specific specialization or parental roles in Cassin’s auklet. Royal Society Open Science. 11:241258. | pdf

9. Gee S, Warzybok P, Johns, ME, Jahncke J, Shaffer S. 2024. Intra- and interannual variation in the foraging behavior of common murres (Uria aalge) in the Central California current. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 575. | pdf

8. Johns ME, Bradley R, Warzybok P, Hester M, Lynch N, Jahncke J. 2023. Effectiveness of novel artificial nesting modules for reducing ambient temperature transfer in a warming climate. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 47(4):e1501. | pdf

7. Ainley DG & Johns ME. 2023. Opinion: A modest proposal — Seabirds are marine creatures first, land-based marine predators second. Marine Ornithology. 50:257-260.

6. Johns ME & Warzybok P. 2022. Northward migration, molting locations, and winter residency of California breeding pigeon guillemots (Cephhus columba). Marine Ecology Progress Series. | pdf

5. Johns ME, Warzybok P, Jahncke J, Doak P, Lindberg M, Breed G. 2021. Episodes of high recruitment buffer against climate-driven mass mortality events in a North Pacific seabird population. Journal of Animal Ecology. early view. | pdf

4. Johns ME, Warzybok P, Jahncke J, Lindberg M, Breed G. 2020. Oceanographic drivers of winter habitat use in Cassin’s auklets. Ecological Applications. 30(3):e02068. | pdf

3. Wilkinson B, Johns ME, Warzybok P. 2019. Fluorescent ornamentation in the Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata). Ibis. | pdf

2. Johns ME, Warzybok P, Bradley RW, Jahncke J, Lindberg M, Breed G. 2018. Increased reproductive investment associated with greater survival and longevity in Cassin's auklets. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 285:20181464. | pdf 

1. Johns ME, Warzybok P, Bradley RW, Jahncke J, Lindberg M, Breed G. 2017. Age, timing, and a variable environment affect double brooding in a long-lived seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 564:187-197. | pdf

In Progress

Johns ME, Spears A, Warzybok P, Jahncke J. 2025?. Age-specific foraging efficiency of chick-provisioning Cassin’s auklets. In Prep.
